
Estilo Medieval II

Nota: Por "exigencias" de la plantilla, lo he pasado a una entrada. Ya sé que queda pelín descuadrada, pero... como tenéis la demo de la página original, pues ya está (es que no me apetece un pimiento reformar toda la plantilla sólo por ésto...


Este texto se escribe sólo para probar el código. Se desconoce la fuente original, y sólo se copia y pega con el objeto de demostrar esta técnica.

(18) but if the water repelled him and he floated, he was condemned. In the ordeal of hot iron, the accused walked barehanded with a hot iron bar. Three days later, when her bandages were removed, her healing hands revealed her fate: if the wounds were healing cleanly, she was absolved; if corruptly, condemned.

Three days later, when her bandages were removed, her healing hands revealed her fate: if the wounds were healing cleanly, she was absolved; if corruptly, condemned... But in 1215 the Church forbade priests to officiate at ordeals and suddenly stripped these rituals of their divine imprimatur.

Paragraph 2: Este es el texto a la derecha. El ancho es 45, porcentaje que hará fluida la página, pero no se olvidan aquí todas las reglas. Sólo se aplican las que debieran funcionar. La forma más adecuada de hacerlo no es clara. Esto sólo demiestra que se puede hacer en nuestro navegador (IE, supongo... aunque se ve bien en Firefox).

El uso de "shim" (que no sé qué cuernos es) o de un spacer.gif, será considerado por algunos como una "trampa" pero, para la mayor parte de la gente, esa imagen invisible es útil. Ello nos permite hacer la columna izquierda y la derecha en talla "fixed". Y, lo mejor de todo, funciona.Hay algunas consideraciones en cuanto a este código. La primera línea de de los parágrafos es (¿dentada?... uf). El padding se ajusta a este tamaño de fuente.


Se trata, simplemente, de teclear un texto, del que se desconoce la fuente originaria. Sólo de copiar y pegar un texto para probar el código, llenando un lado de la página, para comprobar el ancho.

(17) Before 1215, criminal trials had proceeded by ordeal or by battle. In the ordeal of cold water, the accused was tossed in a pool with a rope tied around his hips. If he sank, he was hauled out an innocent person, for the purity of the water had accepted him;

Although the jury's origins lie hidden in Dark Ages rituals, we can trace the origins of the sort of jury that concerns us here--the criminal trial jury--with something like pinpoint accuracy: The first true criminal jury trial seems to have taken place at Westminster in 1220.(16) Juries had long acted to resolve various civil disputes, especially claims about land, and they had for decades served as accusing bodies in criminal cases in the manner of modem grand juries. But not before 1220 did a jury sit in judgment of a criminal accused with the discretion either to acquit or to condemn.

The occasion of this sudden birth of trial by jury was the sudden death of trial by ordeal.(17) Before 1215, criminal trials had proceeded by ordeal or by battle. In the ordeal of cold water, the accused was tossed in a pool with a rope tied around his hips. If he sank, he was hauled out an innocent person, for the purity of the water had accepted him...

No cverás esta línea, pero es necesaria. Quítala para ver desaparecer el color beige de fondo del centro. Seguramente hay mejores formas. Piensa, piensa...

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